Our Services

Wellness Treatments

At Atelier LM, we encourage all women on their wellness path and in every moment of their lives; and since all our treatments are natural, non-toxic, non-invasive, and extremely effective – we guarantee the support every woman needs to thrive.

Fusing ancient traditional techniques with the philosophy of modern practices, we provide holistic and bespoke face and body treatments using only the cleanest, most organic, and safe ingredients. We put together products that work synergistically to create a harmonious result on all skin type, allowing for a highly effective treatment.

Each session begins with a consultation, during which we will work holistically to learn and sense a woman’s background, her needs, and goals. Together, we create the best wellness program, complete with specialized advice and guidance. We tailor our techniques and protocols to each woman’s unique physique and face.

After the session, you will feel rejuvenated, with a sense of balance and harmony in your body, face, mind, and emotions overall.

The Power of Touch with the Renata Franca Treatments

Renata Franca’s body and face treatments are recognized for being innovative and highly performing across the globe. Lymphatic Drainage, Body Shaping, and Miracle Face are three of our exclusive and signature treatments.

  • We remove all toxins, improve circulation, reduce cellulite, eliminate blockage, and tone the skin. You feel lighter and more energized. Tensions are released. Both body and mind and revitalized.

  • We reshape the silhouette, sculpt the body, and move stubborn fat. You feel more balanced, toned, and slimmer. Your body contours are redefined. The harmony in your body is restored.

  • We plump, smooth and sculpt the face contours, boost the skin tonicity, and reduce wrinkles. A unique combination of drainage and lifting. You naturally glow. The face is rejuvenated.

Gua Sha Holistic Facial Treatments

Based on the traditions of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gua Sha is now developed in holistic facial massage therapies. They are energetic tools made from natural and semi-precious Gemstones. Used hot or cold, they reveal their true power to reconnect body, face, mind and emotions.

We elevate a wellness moment into a luxury tailored experience by combining various manual techniques, Gua Sha stones and facial tools. Our protocols have been carefully crafted to answer any skin concern. Each Facial Ritual achieves immediately noticeable results in the appearance of fine lines, deep wrinkles, dark circles, puffy eyes and sagging skin.

  • A relaxing, detoxifying, sculpting and lifting treatment, to relax, release tensions and tone the skin. This unique beauty lift combines manual massage, Gua Sha and facial tools.

  • A brightening treatment to reduce puffiness and dark circles. The skin develops a healthy radiant glow.

  • A purifying treatment to reduce inflammation and clear skin’s obstructions that can lead to acne, rosacea, and sensitivities. The skin is oxygenated and flourishes naturally.

  • A sculpting treatment to slow down the natural aging of the skin and lift sagging skin. The facial contour is renewed. The skin is toned and firmed.

  • A manual massage combined with Gua Sha focusing on an area to be worked on. Choose between Youth Express (anti-aging) and Eye Care (eye contour).

Prices and Packages

Because we wish to provide complete flexibility and accessibility to everyone, we offer a variety of packages that meet a variety of every woman’s needs and have included an integrative solution for the face and body.